Blog Post

Two Masters Affiliate Program 

  • By Mark Rose
  • 10 Mar, 2019

Gearing up for Procliam 19 - its getting crazy around here!

Proclaim 19 Preparations for Booth 748
Making new videos, contacting prospects, editing, ordering, calls, web updates, emails.. whew! The life of a vendor prepping for a show! As all this preparation goes along and the money fly's away, we at Two Masters are remembering why we are doing all this stuff.. For Christ,..for you! We have seen the impact that our Stewardship Program can have on the lives of people, Gods people and His church. That's why we are doing this "stuff." 

How about the Pastor who came to us fresh out of personal funds and ideas, then deciding to tackle this budgeting thing with all his might, months later to be called by a family member and handed a check that got them to 100% debt freedom, house, cars, children's education and all! This is what often happens when God sees one of His getting serious about becoming a "Steward."

How about a long-time pastor friend who fell into spending millions on a church building - out of ideas, salaries and hope, starting out the year with 44 more long payments to go and ending the year with 1! 

Yes, in my 30 years of budget coaching I've seen all this and more. Is Stewardship one of the last pillars of tangible miracles left in the church today? We believe it is.. Would you like to see such a revival in your body starting now? Its possible. Read on..

The Affiliate Program - What is it? 
As you all know we are living in a fast-paced technological world. Our first bold step here was to build the best the most impacting online Stewardship course in the world we could - The Masters 21 Day training program. 21 powerful Scripture based life-experience lessons, set to video, image and quizzes with award based goals, all ready to run nicely; where? Right on your smartphone! Complete and learn 24/7 day or night. Next, we thought great, how can we get the word out? Not a Pastor/Teacher in the world wouldn't love to have their people learning  these truths - so how can we get this training in their hands? Then one day "on" came the light bulb - Affiliate software. 

What does Affiliate software do? 
It begins with us. We have this program on our host where our lesson program resides. Next, you have your "computer guy" go on our site and search for the "Affiliate Link" button. This done, he or she signs up your organization and credentials onto the online form. Once completed, your organization or church will be provided a banner with our logo (instructions included). Now, if anyone clicks on our banner link and elects to purchase our training, YOUR ORGANIZATION receives a % fee from that purchase, automatically. Our program has built-in reminders: just think of the teaching power effect on your people following their personal stewardship training along with YOUR teaching prompts from the pulpit as you wish. Your side will be informed of every subscriber. Wow, talk about the potential impact such a training could have on your folks! Stewardship takes repetition and logical training. You all know a 3-part sermon series with an ask and appeal at the end doesn't wipe-out the debt many of your people are facing today. You need a system, a tested system. You found this site. Read and study through all our free resources offered on Two Masters and pray.

Feel free to contact us and/or visit our booth 748 at Proclaim 19. You will be glad you did... God Bless you on this great quest and thank you! - Mark

By Mark Rose 25 Mar, 2019

A Modern Day Steward

From Chapter 10 The Masters Way :

Back in the 1970’s, Larry Burkett was a very popular teacher on this subject. He counseled hundreds and even thousands on the topic, wrote books, created videos and had a national 1 hour radio program. One day he received a call from a retired pastor who had planted churches around the US for nearly 40 years. The man said he had a “problem.” After setting up the meeting, Larry hung-up thinking, “oh boy here we go, this fellow likely has a very small pension for his retirement years. I hate to be the one to give him the bad news, but I doubt that there’s little I can do for him.” When the meeting day came they sat down and Larry asked the man a simple question: “what was the problem?” The pastor explained; “well, I have about $300,000 in stocks and bonds, $300,000 in real estate and about 300,000 in savings; what should I do?” After picking himself off the floor, Larry asked him how in the world had he accumulated so much earning so little as a base salary for all those years? The pastor explained, “well, I just spent less than I earned."

His Full Answer:

As it turned out, the man was quite thrifty and a smart investor. As he often church planted in a growing city, he would first purchase a bare land building lot in a good location, and when he moved he would sell it off, usually at a healthy profit. As this went on he just cascaded his wealth from real estate to cash then stocks and bonds. He then purchased more lots which he converted into cash as he felt right – always living within his means, in other words, on a budget. Not bad! In this example, we see a man that was not only wise, but also blessed! It’s easy to see any number of positive scripture verses coming into play here. But as Gods Word is true, we shouldn’t be surprised that as this man followed the guidelines outlined in the Five Principles and those found in Proverbs, he reaped the resultant blessings. What was his secret? Nothing new. Consider these three verses as they relate to the above example;

Principle #1: Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. (Proverbs 13:11)
Principle #2 : The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. (Proverbs 21:5)

Principle #3: Go to the Ant you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise... she stores up in summer ... (Proverbs 6:6) 

Note that each of the these positive traits are based on developing good habits . Good spending and saving habits require diligence, hard work and planning . None have anything to do with being a sluggard nor seeking get-rich schemes such as the lottery. God will never bless these. We shouldn’t be surprised that as this man followed the principles outlined in the Five Principles and in Proverbs, that he reaped the resultant blessings. and in time, so will you!

You can be this person. Fast-track getting there using The Masters Way and  

By Mark Rose 16 Mar, 2019
Genesis Alive and Two Masters @ Proclaim 19 Booth 748
Its show time! Here at Two Masters Matt and I (Mark) have been busy producing new materials, contacting prospects, ordering, calling, doing web updates, emails.. whew! The life of a vendor prepping for a show! And why we are doing all this stuff? For Christ,..for you and your people! We have seen the impact that our Stewardship Program can have in the lives of Gods people and His Church. That's why we are doing this "stuff."

- Like the Pastor who came to us fresh out of personal funds and ideas, then deciding to tackle this budgeting thing with all his might and only months later to be called by a family member and handed a check that propelled them to 100% debt freedom - house, cars, children's education and all! This is what often happens when God sees one of His getting serious about becoming a " Steward ."

- Or the Pastor who fell into spending millions on a new church building - now out of ideas, salaries and hope, starting out the year with 40 more long payments to go and ending the year with only one! How? Come to booth 748 and Matt and I will be glad to help you find how miracles are still happening in the Church! Yes, in my 30 years of budget coaching I've seen all this and more. Is Stewardship one of the last pillars of tangible miracles left in the church today? We believe it is.. Would you like to see such a revival in your body starting now? Its possible. Talk to us and visit

Genesis Alive/Two Masters Proclaim Events
Attend our B reakout Session "Stewardship - The Path to Miracles in the Church" Thursday at 4-4:20 AM on the exhibit floor to learn more
Book Signing The Masters Way Thursday @ 11:30-12:30
Book Signing Last of the Long Hunters book-to-movie Wednesday @ 11:30-12:30

The Two Masters Affiliate Program - What is it?   What does it do?  
Go on our  site and search for the " Affiliate Link " button. This done, sign up your organization and credentials onto the online Woocommerce form. Once completed, your organization or church will be provided a banner with our logo (instructions included). Now, if anyone clicks on our banner link and elects to purchase our training, YOUR ORGANIZATION receives a 25% fee from that purchase, automatically . Our program has built-in reminders. Now just think of the teaching power effecting your people following their personal stewardship training  along with YOUR teaching prompts from the pulpit as you wish. Wow, talk about the potential impact such training can achieve! You need a system, a tested system based on a trusted source and centered on Gods Word. Two Masters can work with you so one day your followers can hear those wonderful words of the Master: "Well done good and faithful Servant."  Matthew 25:23

By Mark Rose 17 Jan, 2019
The Two Masters team is going national! We have a booth at NRB Proclaim 19in Anaheim this March 26-29. 
Starting with a Salem Radio national promotion in January of our online 21 lesson Stewardship training app and Masters Way book, we will be attending book signings, book-to-movie pitches and heralding the Biblical Stewardship cause to the prestigious group this year at Booth #746.  See updates here and on our FB page If your attending, please stop by! 
By Mark Rose 03 Jul, 2018
I desired an easy way to share information with all of you. and I'm super excited to share this journey. Our goal is to help you in anyway to become debt free and to eventually hear those coveted words of the Master " Well done good and faithful servant! "  Why live another day in financial bondage? Browse this site's resources, free and for purchase as more will be added daily with one thing in mind - to serve your needs in area of financial stewardship!
By Mark Rose 03 Jul, 2018
Anyone can make one:
For better or worse, anyone can write a blog post about anything they want. Everyone has a voice and the best voices will rise to the top.

The writer can show their personality:
In blog posts, the writer has more leeway to add in their voice and personality than other types of writing.

Blogs are a great form of mass communication:
You can help people, learn new things, entertain your audience-the possibilities are endless and amazing. Blogging opens up all of these to a very wide audience.

You can make money:

Get the right blog going and you can make a lot of money through advertising and sponsored posts.

It allows people to craft better thoughts:
Instead of reading haphazard, uneducated Facebook statuses, it's much better to see people's thought process in a well-written blog post.

You can establish a community:
Blogging allows you to connect with other individuals who share the same interests. Sharing ideas and opinions within your community helps establish yourself as a thought leader.

Good for SEO:
Keeping content on your site fresh and relevant, you can use your blog to boost the search engine ranking (SEO) of your site and your business.

It brings people back to your site:

If your blog is strong enough and updated regularly, people will come back looking for more and bring traffic back to your site as well.

It's free:
It costs you a grand total of zero dollars to post to the blog, so if you have something to say, there's nothing to stop you.

You can establish yourself as a thought leader:

A blog is a great place for your original thoughts, and it can be a wonderful way to show off your individuality. If people like your ideas, you can become a thought leader in your industry!

What else do you love about blogs? Let me know!
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